Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Christian Jihad

How fitting that just as I am discussing the lack of difference between Islam and Christianity with a commenter in the post below, I find this preview for the upcoming movie, Jesus Camp:


I'm both excited and scared to see this movie. The trailer makes it pretty clear that there is absolutely no meaningful difference between Christianity and Islam. Crazy is as crazy does.


Anonymous said...

I'm Speechless. Between this and the Onion article... We're doomed, aren't we?

JesusIsJustAlrightWithMe said...

Yes. I believe we might be. live in a world where a bunch of religious fanatics believe our best defense against other religious fanatics is to be more fanatical. Doomed indeed.

Billiam said...

I've never met anyone like that. The Church I belong to, and the Christianity I belong to is Bible based, not Bible twisted. There's a difference. I guess people will see what they want too.

Billiam said...

BTW, you and anyone else who chooses not to believe, have nothing to worry about from those like me. Christ never said to kill anyone.

JesusIsJustAlrightWithMe said...

Throughout the majority of Christianity's existance, it's followers have believed otherwise and killed in his name. Perhaps they were right and you are bible-twisted? Of course I think you're all wrong.

Billiam said...

Yah, well, I still want you around. You're interesting. LOL